Past Work of the PHM Artists

Shaker "Road Trip"

Sharing one passion of mine, a glimpse into another time and way of life.

We make you kindly welcome...

Enjoy the serenity...

[rotating photos]

Be amazed at the architecture...


Oh and ahhh over the furniture...


If you would just like to read more and understand the shakers, here is a link for you...

info and photos...links were used to credit all the info above.

Your friends at PHM.

1 comment:

  1. I have always appreciated and love the simplicity and quality of Shaker design. It has been a while since I have visited the different communities so thank you for sharing these photos. Currently there is a wonderful Shaker exhibit taking place at the Farnsworth Museum up in Rockland, Maine if anyone is heading that way.


We appreciate your comments! Have a great day!